True wisdom, knowledge and understanding bring enlightenment, true
wisdom, knowledge and understanding are very powerful in every area of life.  It is written
in the Book of Hosea that the people were destroyed because of a
"lack of knowledge," and
also because of the
"rejection of knowledge." (Read: Hosea, Chapter 4)  In the past 6000
years how many billions of people suffered needlessly, and in that many were destroyed
because of deceptions, and because of a lack of knowledge, and also because of the
rejection of knowledge of many important things of life?  It is now time for everyone to take
time, and to thoroughly and diligently seek the true knowledge of very important matters.  
It is now time to seek to know the
"truth of the true God of the Universe," and of the
"truth" of his righteous Government-Kingdom, Holy Laws, and Holy Word, and also of his
Perfect Will for mortal beings living here on this Earth -
on an independent basis.  Also, it
is time to seek to know the
"truth" of the true God's Bible Prophecies - on an independent
.  Additionally, it is now time for everyone to be able to discern "Truth" from "lies and
in every area of life, including in the areas of all man-made systems of
governments, and in the areas of economics, and also in the areas of the different religions
throughout this Earth.

It is shown in the Book of Isaiah (of the Holy Scriptures) how that when the Earth is full of
knowledge of the true God of the Universe, the nations will not hurt, nor destroy
throughout this Earth.  Secondly, it is prophesied in the Holy Scriptures that
will be removed from people, cities and nations of this Earth, and in that many
nations and people will repent, convert and be joined unto the true God of the Universe,
and in that they will beat their swords (of military warfare) into plowshares (of agriculture-
farming and gardening equipment and tools), and also in that the nations will not lift up
their sword (of military warfare) against another nation, neither learn war any more.  This
is now that
"perfect time" when these Bible Prophecies are now being perfectly fulfilled.
(Read: Isaiah 11:1-9; Isaiah 2:1-4)

To learn, know, understand, and fully accept the
"Truth" of the true God of the Universe,
and of his just and righteous Government-Kingdom and Holy Laws, as well as of his Perfect
Will for one's life, as well as for mortal beings here on this Earth, is truly
the beginning of
true wisdom, knowledge, understanding, perfect leading, true righteousness, and of great
mercy and salvation of the true God of the Universe for many people and nations in every
area of life, and of being
truly free, and also of being highly blessed and prosperous in
every area of one's life here on this Earth.  These things will help cause a person to always
have and fully enjoy the true God's great blessings, prosperity and goodness, and to always
have and fully enjoy
"perfect peace and well-being" in one's spirit, soul, mind, body, and
life, and in one's home and social relationships, and with others, as well as to always have
and enjoy Universal Peace, and for to do so for these next 1000 years of this Seventh
Millennium, and for to do so forevermore, here on our physical, blessed, beautiful,
that the true God of the Universe has indeed graciously given to men, women and
children, and to people and nations, as well as to all of his living creation here on this
Earth, and for to be so forevermore throughout eternity.

Truly welcome to my website.  My name is Sasson Devorah Yashfeh.  I am writer and
author, and I have written three books, which three books are inter-related.  In addition to
writing books, I enjoy writing articles on different topics, especially concerning the Holy
Scriptures, Bible Prophecies, agriculture-farming and gardening, health and well-being, and
concerning many other areas of life.  I truly desire that my websites, and my various articles
and writings, as well as my three books, will be of great knowledge, interest, insight, and
great blessings to many individuals, families, people, cities, and nations throughout this
Earth, especially now in this present time of the collapsing and total destruction of all man-
made civilizations (man-made governments) throughout this Earth.  There will be a
for the remnants of many people and nations unto the true God of the
Universe starting now in this present time.  Our physical, blessed, beautiful,
good Earth
that the true God has given to us will last for these next 1000 years of this Seventh
Millennium, which Seventh Millennium has already started.

It is very important for everyone to understand exactly what is happening in this present
time throughout this Earth in the collapsing and total destruction of all man-made
governmental and economical structures, as well as of the total destruction of all false
religious, and false cultural, and false philosophical beliefs and practices.  My other website
(which is
www.TreesofOlive-Jerusalem.com) and also my three books, explain why the
various destructive weather conditions, and the various disasters, are now happening
throughout this Earth.  Also, my three books explain why many things happened in the
past 6000 years, and why many things happened in recent years, and what is happening
now, and also what will happen in these next 1000 years here on this present Earth.  When
men and women can know what is happening, and why certain things are now happening,
they can
make wise decisions concerning their life; and most important, they can seek the
true God for his directions and help for their life and for their family, as well as for his
mercy, compassion, and protection, especially during this perilous time of the collapse and
destruction of
"all" man-made systems of governments throughout this entire Earth now in
this present time.

My three books are written to be of great blessings to many people and nations.  I fully
encourage everyone to always
"diligently and thoroughly" read, study, do research,
examine, learn, and perfectly know and properly understand the true and righteous Holy
Scriptures of the Old Testament -
on an independent basis, including concerning the
righteous Government-Kingdom, Holy Laws, and Holy Word of the true God of the
Universe, and concerning the true God's Perfect Will for mortal beings living here on this
Earth, and for this physical Earth, and also concerning the true, Bible Prophecies of the
true God of the Holy Scriptures, including concerning the collapse and total destruction of
"all" man-made systems of governments throughout this Earth now in this present time, and
with absolutely
"no recovery."  

I fully encourage everyone to "thoroughly and diligently" examine and question the
different types of religions, ancient religions, astrological beliefs, and the history of nations
and people, and the different types of governments, and also of many things concerning
business, finances and economics, as well as of many things concerning one's social and
personal life, especially during this present time of the collapsing and total destruction of
"all" man-made systems of governments throughout this Earth during this present time.  
"thorough and diligent" examination of many things must be done now - on an
independent basis
, regardless of one's present religious, cultural, governmental,
economical, and philosophical beliefs and ideas,
especially because there are the true and
righteous, Holy Laws, teachings, and Bible Prophecies of the Holy Scriptures of the Old
Testament, and also there are all sorts of perverted and false prophecies, and false
teachings, and false beliefs, and fictional history that were created throughout history to try
to deceive and enslave the masses of the people throughout this Earth.

The Title of My Three books:
1)        Understanding Bible Prophecies – Bible Prophecies Since the Garden of Eden to
This Seventh Millennium

2)        The 6000th Year and The Seventh Millennium Since the Garden of Eden, Our
Physical Earth Will Last For Another 1000 Years

3)        Beating Swords of Warfare into Plowshares of Farming and Gardening Tools –
Returning to the Beautiful Garden of Eden Here on This Earth

For a detailed description and great information of each of my books, please
visit my other website, which is

Change of Publisher  -  Please note that there has been a change of publisher for my three
books.  I look forward to having my three books be available for purchase in the near
future.  Will notify when available.  Please be
highly blessed by the information on my two
websites, as well as print out and be
highly blessed by reading my various articles and

My Articles
In addition to my three books, I have written, and I look forward to continue to write,
articles and writings on various topics.  My various articles and writings are listed below.

Adobe Reader:  Please note in order to be able to open and read my various articles and writings,
please visit website
www.adobe.com, and under downloads, click "Get Adobe Reader," and download
free "Adobe Reader" onto your computer.  By having the Adobe Reader installed onto your
computer you will be able to click onto, and open and read my various articles and writings, and also you
will be able to print out a copy of my various articles and writings, and also save a copy.

To Save A Copy of My Various Articles and Writings onto Your Computer or Flash
- To save a copy of my various articles and writings from my website onto your personal
computer, or onto your Flash Drive, do the following: While on the Internet on my website, click and
"Open" the selected article or writing you want.  While in this article or writing in the PDF format -
"File," and click "Save a Copy."  Select the "folder" or location where you want to save this article or
writing onto your computer or onto your Flash Drive, and click
"Save."  When you are not on the
Internet, and in that you want to open and read my various articles and writings in the
"PDF format,"
click the
"Adobe Reader" icon that is located on your computer.  Click "File," and click "Open," and go
to the folder on your computer where you have saved the PDF document, and click the
selected PDF
document that you desire to open and read, and open it.  By having a copy of my various articles and
writings saved onto your computer or Flash Drive you will be able to open, read, and/or even print
these various articles and writings whenever you so desire, even without being connected to the
Internet.  Note: You can create a
"folder" on your own computer or Flash Drive for these various
articles and writings, which I hope will you do so, and in that this will be of great blessings to you.

Articles Listing:

No.01  -  The True, Holy Name of the True God - the Great Yehovah Elohim, the True God of the
Earth and Universe

No.02  -  Important Dates and Times for the 50th Year of Jubilee, and for this Seventh Millennium -
for All People and Nations

No.03  -  Knowing the TRUTH from Within One's Own Soul - Concerning Good and Evil of Many
Things in Life

No.04  -  Astrology - It is a Religion! Astrology is a False Religious Belief of the Worship of All Sorts of
False Gods

No.05  -  Knowing, Accepting, and Even Renewing of, the Holy, Everlasting Covenant of Marriage -
with and unto the True God of the Universe - the Great Yehovah Elohim

No.06  -  Comparison of the Righteous Government-Kingdom and Holy Laws of the True God of the
Universe - The Great Yehovah Elohim, to the Different Religions, and to the Different Man-made
Systems of Governments on this Earth

No.07  -  Three Types of Spirits! Can You Discern and Know the Difference?

No.08  -  False Gods, Giants, Nefilim, UFOs, and Massive Deceptions

No.09  -  Fighting Back, and The Mighty Army and Military Warfare of The Great God - The Great
Yehovah Elohim

No.10  -  Survival Guide - In This Time of the Collapsing and Total Destruction of "ALL" Man-made

No.11  -  Prayers, Repentance, Fasting, and Turning unto the True and Great God of the Universe

No.12  -  Permanent Cure for Heartburn and Acid-Indigestion?

No.13  -  Sesame Seeds - High Mineral Food - High in Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Etc.

No.14  -  The Ancient City of Kadesh - The Dwelling Place of the Israelites for 38 Years During the 40
Years of Wandering

No.15  -  Dates of Precious Times and Events, and New Moon Schedules for the Years 5999 to 6009
of Creation Time

No.16  -  The New Moon "After" the Spring Equinox, and the Beginning of the New Year, and the
Observance of the Feast of Passover - Updated: January 20, 2013

No.17  -  The Great Yehovah Elohim's Righteous, Holy Government-Kingdom, Holy Laws, and also
his Perfect Will "Ruling" Over All People and Nations

No.18  -  Fasting with Prayers, and Exercising Power, Authority, Dominion, Success and Victory -
Over One's Own Physical Body - Updated: June 24, 2013

No.19  -  Outline of Time - Time Chart of the Beginning of Each Year - From the Time of 5999 C.T.
(Creation Time) (March 20, 2007) to the Year of 6009 C.T. (Creation Time) (April 8, 2016)

No.20  -  Arthritis, and Clogging of the Arteries - Healing by Fasting with Prayers unto the True God

No.21  -  Migraine Headaches and Suffering - Being Healed of Needless Pain and Suffering

No.22  -  Rosh HaShanah - The New Year From the Creation Time According to the True God's
Establishment of Time

No.23  -  The Precious, Holy Name of the Great Yehovah Elohim - Listing of Holy Scriptures -
Updated January 8, 2013

No.24  -  Sins, and Continual Sins, and Continual Praying for Forgiveness - Does God Forgive, and
Not Punish for Sins and Rebellion Against Him?

No.25  -  Charitable Deeds for Atonement for One's Sins? Where is it Written in the Tanakh - of the
Holy Scriptures of the True God?  

No.26  -  Ducks, Geese, and Swans - All Related - After Its Kind; and Not Clean / Not Kosher  

No.27  -  
Photographs, Taking of Pictures of Oneself, and Images and Graven Images  

No.28  -  
Clothes - Wearing of Pants - Breeches, Worn by Both Men and Women in the History of

No.29  -  Hay-Fever? Sneezing? and Pollen in the Spring? Could A Little Cayenne Pepper Help You?

No.30  -  The Cap of Cybele - The Skullcap, and the Worship of the Queen of Heaven, and False

No.31  -  The Different Pointed Stars of Astrology, and Other Pagan Symbols of Ancient Times

No.32  -  Passover - Feast of Unleavened Bread/Matzo - Made with Whole Grain Flour, Water, Olive
Oil and Salt  

No.33  -  
Mt. Sinai - The True Location of Mt. Sinai at Jabal al Lawz in Saudi Arabia - Location
Discovered by Ron Wyatt in 1984

No.34  -  Religious Groups - Do You Need to Join A Religious Group, or House of Worship, in Order
to Serve the True and Great God?

No.35  -  Marriages, and Common Law Marriages, and Living Together Without a Covenant of
Marriage, Rape, and Sexual Immoralities in Societies

- To be continued - Look for more articles

Vows and Daily Prayers Book
     In addition to my various articles, I have included on this website "My Vows of
Holy, Everlasting Covenant of Marriage - with and unto the Great Yehovah, My Great
and "Daily Prayers Book," both of which I hope will be of great blessings to you.

--  -  My Vows of Holy, Everlasting Covenant of Marriage - with and unto the Great Yehovah, My
Great Elohim (Plain - No Trimming)

--  -  My Vows of Holy, Everlasting Covenant of Marriage - with and unto the Great Yehovah, My
Great Elohim (Fancy Trimming #1)

--  -  My Vows of Holy, Everlasting Covenant of Marriage - with and unto the Great Yehovah, My
Great Elohim (Fancy Trimming #2)

Various Prayers
--  -  Book of Various Prayers unto the Great Yehovah Elohim - Updated: October 8, 2013

         Do indeed visit this website from time to time for additional, newly,
written articles.

        Thanks for visiting my websites, and thanks for the purchase of my three
books, and also thanks for your prayers and support.     

Sasson Devorah Yashfeh
      Email:  sdyashfeh3@yahoo.com

My websites:


Recommendation of Various, Excellent Products and Videos

Product #1 - Book and 3 CDs - Item:  Teach Yourself to Read Hebrew -- by Ethelyn Simon and Joseph
           If you desire to learn the Hebrew Language I highly recommend that you purchase this product.
This product consists of an actual book and 3 CDs.  In order to learn any language it is very important
to learn the phonic sounds of the consonants and vowels of that language.  This product
goes over all of the consonants and vowels, and shows how to combine consonants and vowels in
forming Hebrew words. You can repeat each session as much as you so desire.  I am a beginner student
of the Hebrew Language and this product has been of tremendous blessings to me in helping me in
learning the Hebrew Language. By learning the phonic sounds of the consonants and vowels of the
Hebrew Language this has fully encouraged me to continue on in the path of learning the Hebrew
Language. I fully encourage everyone to purchase this product, even
before buying any other product in
seeking to learn the Hebrew Language, and also
before attending any type of Hebrew Language Class.  
This product is published by and can be purchased from:
            EKS Publishing Company
            Website:  www.ekspublishing.com
            In the search box type in:  Teach Yourself to Read Hebrew

Product #2 - Book - Item:  Ha-Yesod Fundamentals of Hebrew -- by Luba Uveeler and
Norman M. Bronznick
        This product is a Hebrew Language grammar book that I highly recommend. This product can be
purchased from:

Product #3 - Book - Item:  501 Hebrew Verbs - by Shmuel Bolozky, Ph.D.
        This product is a Hebrew Language verb book consisting of 501 Hebrew Verbs that I also highly
recommend. This book will help you to properly learn the Hebrew verbs. This product can be
purchased from:  

Recommended Video Series #1 -- Concerning Samuel Blumenfeld and his Teaching on the
Importance of Phonics
        There are 20 YouTube videos, as Samuel Blumenfeld being the guest speaker, that focus on the
great importance and benefits of
"phonics" and the learning process. I fully recommend that everyone
get these videos, and download these videos onto your computer, and take time to listen to all of these
videos. I pray that these videos will be of great benefit to you and your family. On the Internet go to
www.youtube.com.  In the "YouTube search box" type in and download these various videos onto your
computer.  Take the time and be highly informed and blessed by these various videos.

"Are Public Schools Harming Your Kids" (10 videos)
 "Samuel Blumenfeld on Education" (5 videos)
"Samuel Blumenfeld - Revolution via Education" (3 videos)
"Samuel Blumenfeld" (1 video)
"Sam Blumenfeld's Original Alpha-Phonic Home Page" (1 video)

Recommended Video Series #2 - Concerning Mt. Sinai - The True Location of Mt. Sinai at Jabal al
Lawz in Saudi Arabia - Location Discovered by Ron Wyatt in 1984
        For the past 1700 years, the world was misled into believing that Mt. Sinai of the Exodus was
located in the Sinai Peninsula.  In 1984, Ron Wyatt and his sons were highly blessed of the true and
Great God in discovering and making known to the world the true location of Mt. Sinai, where the
true God manifested his great Glory, and his Holy Laws, and Holy Covenant to the Children of Israel
during the time of Moses.  These videos are inspiring, and are of great insights, and will be of great
blessings to you and your family.  On the Internet go to
www.youtube.com.  In the "YouTube search
type in and download these various videos onto your computer.  Take the time and be highly
informed and blessed by these various videos concerning Ron Wyatt's discovery of the true location of
Mt. Sinai at Jabal al Lawz in Saudi Arabia in 1984.

"Ron Wyatt's Discovery the Exodus" (6 videos)
"The Exodus and the Red Sea Crossing" (4 videos)
"The Ron Wyatt Discovered Series" - 4 - The Exodus - Full Length (1 video)
Yashfeh - Books
Creation Time:  3rd Day of the 7th
      Month of the Year 6005 C.T.
Secular Time
:   October 8, 2013
My Websites:
         "... Blessed be the Name of the God forever and ever: for wisdom
and might are his. And he changes the times and seasons. He removes
kings, and sets up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to
them that know understanding; he reveals the deep and secret things;
he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him."
(Daniel 2:20-22)